Visa Chargeback Reason Code 12.6: Duplicate Processing
What is Visa Chargeback Reason Code 12.6?
The reason code 12.6 is used for chargebacks that involve multiple processing of the same transaction. It could be two, three, or more times. Hence, you may receive numerous chargebacks with this reason code until the duplicate transactions are refunded.
We often expect cardholders to contact merchants when there is duplicate processing for a single transaction. That would quickly resolve the issue without escalating to the point of chargebacks. However, the cardholders are as likely to contact their issuing banks as they are to contact you.
While we strive for excellence in operations, simple errors like submitting a batch of identical transactions multiple times can occur. This will prompt the cardholder to file a dispute with the issuing bank. Then, the issuer will process the chargeback with reason code 12.6 since it involves duplicate processing.
This reason code is not limited to transactions involving one payment method. Charging a previously unsuccessful payment method after using another one can also cause chargebacks. The cardholder can quickly contact the issuer and dispute one transaction as unsuccessful at checkout.
Let’s show you a picture of what we just said. A cardholder enters or swipes a card, but the transaction is unsuccessful. Another card is used, and the transaction (payment) is successful.
Processing the same payment on the previous card will cause the cardholder to dispute one transaction. Also, this chargeback can apply to online transactions using another payment method.
We’ll give you ways to fight this code and effective prevention strategies. Before those, let’s see why reason code 12.6 may occur.
Why Did It Happen?
This chargeback occurs when a cardholder disputes multiple processing on one transaction. Customers expect to be charged once for a single purchase. Receiving multiple debits bearing the exact amount and for the same items will necessitate a dispute.
A cardholder may contact you to dispute the multiple transactions, making it easy to process a refund. There would be no need for a chargeback or to submit pieces of evidence to fight it. Nevertheless, the dispute might reach the issuer, resulting in a chargeback with this reason code.
The following are common reasons or causes for this chargeback:
- Multiple entries in a payment terminal: Multiple entries for one transaction can result in this chargeback. A better way to explain this is swiping a card twice because the first swipe was unsuccessful. The cardholder will dispute one payment as a duplicate.
- Multiple submissions of one batch: Submitting a batch multiple times will cause multiple processing of one transaction. Of course, the cardholder will dispute them, claiming that the payment was made only once.
- Submission of the merchant and acquirer receipt can cause a processing error, leading to a chargeback.
- Two transaction receipts are created for one transaction.
- Receipts from one transaction are deposited with different merchant banks.
There are other, less subtle causes for this feedback. One is a cardholder mistaking recurring billing for duplicate processing for one transaction. This can occur after the second payment is processed when the cardholder expected that the first payment was the only one required.
We’ve also seen cases of false claims from cardholders. They dispute a legitimate transaction to get their money back.
We’ll show you how to fight this chargeback. However, You should focus more on preventing the chargeback since merchant errors are often the primary cause.
How to Fight Visa Chargeback Reason Code 12.6: Duplicate Processing
To fight this chargeback, do the following within 30 days of the chargeback:
- If recurring billing is mistaken for a duplicate: You need proof that the transaction is part of recurring billing. Also, show evidence that the cardholder was aware of and authorized the recurring transactions.
- If two or more transaction receipts are mistaken for one payment: Submit evidence to show that the receipts are for different transactions even though they have the same amount. You’ll also need proof that the cardholder adequately authorized the transactions.
- If the dispute has been resolved between you and the cardholder: You may have reached an understanding with the cardholder directly after the chargeback. Submit proof that the dispute has been resolved by another means. Chats can be used, but the customer must allow you to use the discussion.
- If a reversal was processed: Show evidence that you processed a refund before the chargeback. The document should contain the amount and date of the reversed payment.
Chargebacks from friendly fraud can be fought with evidence showing that the cardholder authorized the transaction. Show proof that adequate security measures were followed during payment. Cardholder verification codes and cardholder verification systems are examples of security checks.
Using modern Visa-approved terminals also gives you an edge in fighting this chargeback. Using them will spare you from taking on liabilities for actual fraud.
These are our recommendations for fighting this chargeback. If the chargeback is correct and the error was on your end, accept it and take preventive measures. The following section offers tips to prevent chargebacks under reason code 12.6.
How to Prevent Visa Chargeback Reason Code 12.6: Duplicate Processing
Processing transactions carefully and submitting their deposits appropriately will primarily prevent this chargeback. In-progress transactions should be voided if the customer switches to a different payment method.
Besides these, the following are ways to prevent chargebacks under reason code 12.6:
- Deposit your transactions after reviewing them carefully
- Don’t force payment if one payment method fails. Request another one from the cardholder.
- Your transaction batches should be submitted one at a time to avoid submitting multiple payments for one transaction.
- Ensure you adequately inform cardholders of recurring billing. Send reminders before the due date.
- Issue a refund once you notice a duplicate transaction.
- Double-check amounts and payment types before processing a transaction.
- Use Visa-approved terminals for physical payments (card swiping).
- Avoid manual entry of card details.
Keep detailed records of transactions. These can serve as pieces of evidence in friendly fraud cases. Receipts are essential for fighting chargeback disputes.