Recover 4x more chargebacks and prevent up to 90% of incoming ones, powered by AI and a global network of 15,000 merchants.
Chargeback automation helps you to quickly access a tremendous amount of data, which you can use to thwart fraud before they happen and much more.
The subject of chargebacks isn’t particularly new. However, industry data shows that their impact in today’s increasingly digitized marketplace is becoming a case of enormous concern.
Automated chargeback management saves you an excessive amount of time and resources.
Quite frankly, it’s the surest way of ensuring that your business is 100 percent protected from the uptick in fraudulent chargebacks.
Here are some numbers: Research shows that Account Takeover (ATO) fraud, popularly known as the 'fraudster's weapon of choice,' rose 282% between 2019 and 2020. Analysis by Feedzai’s Quarterly Financial Crime Report also indicates “a 60% rise in fraud rates and a 5.5% increase in the value of each attempted fraudulent transaction.”
And from all estimations of recorded online fraud, chargebacks and friendly fraud account for between 40% to 80% of all fraud losses. When you quantify that data in monetary terms, analysts say the revenue drain from chargebacks and its associated costs aggregates to nothing short of £80 billion yearly.
As the name implies, automated chargeback management is a comprehensive, pre-programmed chargeback solution that gathers and submits chargeback documentation without you lifting a finger. It’s a software solution that helps merchants respond to and mitigate chargeback effectively using analytical, case-based, and just-in-time principles.
But that’s not all. Chargeback automation helps you to quickly access a tremendous amount of data such as specific transactions, customers, payment methods, historical transaction patterns, and much more. The system also helps you tell the “open, won or lost,” status on each dispute. With that insight, you can know specific documentation to submit for representment, understand crime patterns, thwart them before they happen, increase your dispute win rate, and free up valuable time for productive work.
The argument that humans might do a better job than technology in understanding the intricacies of chargeback mediation is flawed. Yes, humans process chargebacks at the issuing banks and card schemes. However, automated chargeback management has proven to alleviate rookie errors that clutter the chargeback mitigation landscape.
So, who needs to use chargeback automation? The answer is every e-commerce entrepreneur that want to skip the mundane process and take their chargeback win rate to the next level! Chargeback automation costs at least 45% less than manual, in-house processes.
If you are still in doubt, below are some metrics to help you decide whether or not you should migrate to automated chargeback management.
As we stated in an earlier piece on this subject, there are three primary options for handling your chargebacks. And each one of those strategies comes with crucial merits and demerits. Let’s have a look.
Per the uphill battle involved in chargeback mediation, outsourcing your chargeback mitigation to a specialist vendor can be a helpful strategy. It can help you ensure that fraudulent cases aren’t slipping through the cracks, as the vendor will monitor and manage those chargebacks for you.
Here are merits:
The demerits have to do with cost: You pay a little higher for that professional service. Plus, you can’t control how the process pans out, which means that you could risk potential business relationships at the expense of winning cases.
The actual chargeback automation happens at this step. You subscribe to a software-as-a-service (SaaS) that automatically manages your chargebacks without you lifting a finger.
Today, many sleek salespeople are parading the industry, promising merchants sunshine and rainbows. But you should know that all chargeback automation tools aren’t built equal. Making the correct choice means analyzing the returns on investment before onboarding any chargeback automation tool. And you should know that Chargeflow is the leading “fully automated” dispute and chargeback management system in the market.
Automated chargeback management removes barriers to data and insights. That data puts you on top of your customer’s buying patterns, with tips to lower your dispute rate and take your chargeback win rate to a whole new level.
The demerits will depend on the vendor you work with. There could be incidents of inconsistent performance, and you could also spend more time and effort on managing the software.
Hybrid chargeback mitigation means that you aren’t using a fully automated chargeback system. The program is neither fully managed nor SaaS.
You chose to onboard a SaaS package for tools that look like less headache and outsource the tough ones to a specialist company.
As we stated before, people often confuse this approach with automated chargeback mitigation, but they aren’t the same. The difference is that while a fully automated chargeback handles the entire process without you lifting a finger, the hybrid doesn’t do that. You manage your chargeback systems to find transactions and chargebacks to dispute while relying on a full-service company to handle the actual disputes.
The benefits include that you have some level of control and flexibility. But on the other hand, using the hybrid option means that you have more tools, and managing and coordinating them with partner programs can be difficult.
More so, you might need to onboard more than one program, which means that your team has additional bills to manage.
Research has established that merchant errors cause 40% of chargebacks. And chargeback automation eliminates manual processes that often cause such errors.
The first set of human errors that often result in chargebacks has to do with notification errors. It could be that the merchant didn’t notice a dispute notification on time, and then the dispute response time-limit e expires, which translates into a chargeback. Another merchant error regarding alerts is when the merchant forgot to cancel recurring billings or blacklist a customer with questionable credentials. Hence, the customer makes another transaction, and the vendor receives yet another alert.
The second set of chargeback-producing merchant errors eliminated with an automated chargeback is the reporting error.
Unlike automated chargeback mitigation that could give you just-in-time access to insight from over 50 data points, manual data gathering is challenging work. And you don’t know how much is enough. Even if you have several years of e-commerce experience, you might gather lots of data that does not necessarily speak to the case. In some cases, you might omit highly relevant documentation that could’ve made a difference in upturning the dispute.
On the other hand, you have the error of response and representment. Without chargeback automation, you might not know when the customer filed a case, and if the chargeback expired before you get to respond, that’s a complete loss on all angles. More so, submitting the wrong compelling evidence or submitting your documentation in the incorrect procedure means you won’t win either.
Here are more benefits of chargeback automation:
Automation is no longer an either-or proposition in the industry today. It’s a given. As much as “36% of workers fear their employer will fail within five years if the company doesn’t adapt necessary technology.” You might as well move ahead with the tide.
The following are some of the platforms that support automated chargeback solutions:
In closing this article, I leave you with this piece of data: A chargeback automation service such as Chargeflow can help you recover at least $35,022 of chargeback revenue and save a minimum of 150 business hours each month. Would you rather flush that quantum of resources down the pipe?
Recover 4x more chargebacks and prevent up to 90% of incoming ones, powered by AI and a global network of 15,000 merchants.